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Report Absence

If your child is going to be absent, please call the office that morning to report them absent, or email to report the absence. If an email or phone call is not received to verify the absence, the absence will be marked unverified. After a period of time, unverified absences are coded unlawful. Daily attendance reports are complete by 11:15. An automated phone call will be generated to parents of children with unverified absences for the day. Please call the office to verify the absence if you get a phone call or send a note in with your child when they return to school. Extended absences, such as vacations should be approved by administration in advance. If a child arrives after 9:15 a.m. or leaves prior to 3:45 p.m. he/she will marked tardy.

Before & After Care is provided by ABC Care, 410-751-3700 click this link for more information. ABC Care Hampstead Information for families.pdf

Inclement Weather Procedures

Inclement Weather Procedures for Hampstead Elementary School Color.pdf

Virtual Snow Days beginning February 22, 2022 Virtual Snow Days For Parent (002).pdf


Lunch Schedule                                                              Specials

11:30-12:00           3rd Grade                                          11:15-11:45  2nd  Grade

11:45-12:15           Kindergarten & Pre K                        11:45-12:15  4th Grade

12:00-12:30           1st Grade                                          12:15-12:45  Sp. Area Lunch

12:15-12:45           2nd Grade                                         12:45-1:15    Sp. Area Planning

12:30-1:00             5th Grade                                          1:15-1:45      Kindergarten

12:45-1:15            4th Grade                                           1:45-2:15      1st Grade

                                                                                        2:15-2:45      3rd Grade

                                                                                        2:45-3:15      Pre K

                                                                                        3:15-3:45       5th Grade

Kindergarten Registration Week March 7-11, 2022  Kindergarten flyer.pdf 

Enrollment in Kindergarten is mandatory for children who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2022.  Please call 410-751-3420 so we can obtain preliminary enrollment information and to schedule an appointment.  At the time of enrollment, parents will need to bring the following:

  • birth certificate or other legal document to verify their child's legal name and birth date
  • current immunization record
  • parent driver's license
  • verification of residence such as a current utility bill (gas, electric, water, landline phone bill) that includes the service address with house number and street name
  • address from which the child will be transported to school and the specific address to which the child will be transported after school