Parent Resources
Home Access Center
Home Access Center
Home Access Center (HAC)
How do I get to the Home Access Center? Go to the Carroll County Public Schools’ website at and clicking the Home Access Center link located in the ‘Family Resource’ in the blue ribbon section midway down the page.
For those of you not already familiar, Home Access Center is Carroll County Public School's parent and student portal. It provides you, as a parent/guardian, with the ability to access a variety of information about your child(ren). You can view their attendance for the year, interim and report card grades, as well as their demographic and emergency contact information. You can register to receive an email anytime your student is absent.
We encourage you to register by visiting our website at and clicking the Home Access Center link, in the Quick Links section. From there you will click the "Request Password" link and follow the directions on-screen.
Dear Parents,
The CCPS Home Access Center is a valuable resource for locating information regarding your child's homeroom teacher, grades, and login numbers, as well as a many other important pieces of information.
When setting up your child's Home Access Center account, please use this link:
This page link will provide some answers to frequently asked questions.
For additional Help with technology issues, please use this link for our Technology Department:
Health Room Info
Health Room Info
Hello! My name is Shelley DeVaux, and I am the school nurse at Hampstead Elementary. I want to address CCPS policies related to health issues.
Hearing & Vision Screening is usually in the fall.
Reminders from the Nurse:
A student must stay at home if they have a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above. A student must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication to return to school.
Please report all Chronic and Acute Illnesses to the Nurse
If your child is injured at home or at school and will need to miss PE class for more than three (3) days, a healthcare provider note is required with the specific days and details of activities that they need to be restricted from. Please remember that recess activity will also be limited per the health care orders. Splints, wraps, crutches, and wheelchairs can only be used at school with a healthcare provider's order.
Students may carry their own hand lotion, non-medicated cough drops, hand sanitizer, aloe, and ChapStick. These items will not be provided by the nurse.
Please make sure your child has additional clean clothing and extra tennis shoes at all times. Accidents happen, and the nurse's office is not big enough to store clothing of all sizes.
All medication, including Iburprofen, Tylenol and Tums require a new medication form every year with a physician signature and parent signature. It is recommended that morning medication be taken at home. If you plan to start your child on a new medication or are changing a current dose, please do so on the weekend because of possible side effects. New orders must be provided. CCPS_Medication_Form.pdf
Students must be picked up from the nurse's office when ill or injured within one (1) hour. When injuries are severe, 911 will be called. Please have current working contact numbers on file and please arrange responsible transportation. There is not enough room for students to remain in the office for long periods of time. Please remember if you are asked to pick up your child it is because they need to be somewhere they can rest. Our current office does not have an isolation area and illness can spread quickly.
If your child wakes up and says he/she is not feeling well and you ask them to try to go to school, you will usually get a call from the nurse. Students often come through the door and right into the nurse's office. Please be prepared to have them picked up by a responsible adult or call the nurse ahead of time for preparation of assessment and treatment.
Absence/Sick Notes: Absentee_Notes_24.pdf
Please send in a note to the teacher regarding every absence. If you can provide a specific reason for the absence, that is very helpful. In other words, instead of just writing: "Bobby was feeling sick", give us a little more information, such as: "Bobby had a bad sore throat and saw the doctor – he has strep, and is now on an antibiotic." Then if Bobby comes to see me that day, I already have the information that I need to know to treat him here in school. Doctor's notes are preferred for extended illnesses. You are encouraged to report an absence by emailing absence notes to Please include your child's name, teacher name and reason for absence.
Restrictions related to Physical Education
Please remember to notify your student's P.E. teacher and that your student may be unable to participate in P.E. class. Students unable to participate in P.E. will also be required to sit during recess. CCPS Policy allows students to miss 3 days of P.E. class before a physician note is required. Please also remember that students require physician orders for splints and crutches., Nurse DeVaux;, Mr. Rebhan, PE Teacher;, Mrs. Baker, PE & APE Teacher.
Additional Medical Forms available for downloading:
MDH_896_form.pdf MD Dept of Health Immunization Certificate
2024-2025_School_IZ_Requirements_Final.pdf Vaccine Requirements for Children
Absences Absentee_Notes_24.pdf
If your child is going to be absent, please email to report the absence. If an email or written note is not received to verify the absence, the absence will be marked unverified. After a period of time, unverified absences are coded unlawful. Daily attendance reports are complete by 11:15. An automated phone call will be generated to parents of children with unverified absences for the day. Please email to verify the absence if you get a phone call or send a note in with your child when they return to school. Extended absences, such as vacations should be approved by administration in advance. If a child arrives after 9:15 a.m. or leaves prior to 3:45 p.m. he/she will marked tardy.
Before & After Care is provided by ABC Care, 410-751-3700 click this link for more information. ABC_Care_Flyer_.pdf
Inclement Weather Procedures
Kindergarten Registration
Enrollment in kindergarten is mandatory for children who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2024. Please call 410-751-3420 so we can obtain preliminary enrollment information and to schedule an appointment. At the time of enrollment, parents will need to bring the following:
- birth certificate or other legal document to verify their child's legal name and birth date
- current immunization record
- parent driver's license
- verification of residence such as a current utility bill (gas, electric, water, landline phone bill) that includes the service address with house number and street name
- address from which the child will be transported to school and the specific address to which the child will be transported after school
General Info
Hello HES Families!
To request help from CCPS Technology Department please use this link:
You are encouraged to send all notes regarding absences, tardies, early dismissal, changes to dismissal (bus/parent pick up) to This is very important for the first day/week of school and anytime there is a change in dismissal. If your child was a regular Parent Pick up last school year, we must have a written note for this new school year. We do not keep past year records.
We are pleased to have ABC Care as our Before & After Care 410-751-3700 HES_Website/HES_ABC_Care_Price_List_(1).pdf
LOCATE: Child Care
LOCATE: Child Care at Maryland Family Network is a free service funded through a grant by the Maryland State Department of Education which is provided to people seeking child care in Maryland. We have a database of regulated Family providers and Child Care Centers in the State. LOCATE: Child Care's personalized telephone service offers parents referrals, guidance and links to other resources 877-261-0060 or
Kindergarten Registration
Please call to make an appointment to register your child for Kindergarten. Enrollment in Kindergarten is mandatory for children who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2024.
School Security
Doors will remain locked during the school day. Parents will gain access into the building from the front office staff. ALL visitors must scan their license to receive a visitor's badge, NO EXCEPTIONS! Badges are time sensitive and must be worn at all times while in the building. Please keep in mind that while this procedure might take a little longer, all measures are being taken to keep your child safe during the school day. Please be patient once you have rung the doorbell. A staff member must then access the security program on our computer and there are several steps to open the mic and unlock the front door. If the doorbell rings while we are trying to unlock the door, the security system then resets and the process must be repeated.
Student Registration
The following documents are required in order to register/transfer your child.
- The biological parent or legal guardian must come into the school
- Photo I.D. of the person registering the student
- Proof of residency
- Proof of birth/age of the student
- Copy of the immunization records